Revolution in the treatment of amputated patient of a limb.

THEAL Therapy: A new cure for the rehabilitation treatment of the amputated lower limb patient.

THEAL Therapy, the modulated energy and thermo controlled lasertherapy, is proposed as a new cure for the rehabilitation treatment of the amputated patient of the inferior limb, to help in the cicatrization after surgery and in the phase of re-education of own body.
The loss of a limb represents for the patient a painful moment of his or her existence both from the psychological and physical aspect. In fact, in addition to the disability with which it will have to live every day, the person to whom the limb has been amputated too often will have to live with a scar not perfectly cured and with a pain in the stump and must undergo long cycles of rehabilitation.
"The problem of the pain of the stump is particularly important because it frustrates every possible use of the prosthesis even if made to art and with an impeccable rehabilitation. Its control is therefore essential to give the amputated patient the best possible quality of life. The wavelengths and emission modes used in THEAL Therapy are able to act independently on both primary and secondary healing processes of the surgical wound and on the pain of the stump."
Dr. Casale - Scientific Director of Habilita and manager of Fibromyalgia ambulatory Habilita Poliambulatorio San Marco Bergamo.
It is estimated that in Italy each year there are about 15 thousands new patients and according to the Istituto Superiore di Sanità for the elderly subjects over 74 years old there were in 2003 4,877 surgical amputations related to the lower limbs due to vascular diseases and not to traumatic causes.
After amputation, the patient needs a long rehabilitation pathway and, in order to help him in recovery, there is the innovative THEAL Therapy (Temperature controlled High Energy Adjustable multi-mode emission Laser), that is the modulated energy and thermo-controlled laser, a point of arrival after years of research, technology and innovation that has established a new standard in the sector.
Many of these amputations concern the lower limbs especially the diabetic foot: according to the Associazione Italiana Podologi in fact, a diabetic in four suffers for it and in 2003 were resigned by Italian hospitals 6,725 patients amputated that in 2005 have risen to 7,082.
Even according to the OMS world data are alarming: it is estimated that the number of diabetics will double by 2025 reaching 300 million compared to 120 million of 1996 and 15% of diabetics find an ulcer that lead, in 3% of cases, in an amputation above the ankle. In fact, 84 patients amputated on 100 had a worsening that resulted in an ulcer of the foot that later, worsened resulting in gangrene and amputations.